
NZBusiness June 2013

7 Articles
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If the business fits
May 15, 2013

Eyeing up a business? Heard the horror stories, but still keen to give it a go and be your own boss? This special guide walks you through...

Business Supermodel
May 15, 2013

The franchise business model is still responsible for kick-starting business careers all over the country. Patricia Moore has this update...

It’s a juggle out there
May 15, 2013

Richard Horne has posted a colourful work career. But now the star of Renters has found his true passion in business –...

Trials and tribulations
May 15, 2013

Angeline Long offers some clarity for employers navigating the minefield associated with the 90 day trial period and...

NZBusiness June 2013
May 14, 2013

COVER STORYThe rainmakerFEATURESIf the business fits...Business supermodelQ&A: Ahmad Jubbawey, Vensa...