Calculations, Obligations and keeping your head above water
Employee leave – you anticipate it, you encourage it and at times, you may even require it. But it doesn’t…
Employee leave – you anticipate it, you encourage it and at times, you may even require it. But it doesn’t make the calculations, the curly parts or the ‘out of the box’ requests for time out of business any easier.
From casual sick days, religious obligations and the Christmas break – the burden of managing staff leave does not only fall on the payroll team. Whether you are the one who signs the leave forms or it falls on you to keep the cogs turning, understanding more than just dates and time owed could mean the difference between sinking and swimming.
Our expert presenter will walk you through the expected, the unexpected and the unbelievable in this quick-fire seminar with your chance to have your queries demystified. They will cover:
- Leave, leave, leave – minimum entitlements and definitions
- What’s the story, Doc? – Managing ACC scenarios and dealing with doctors
- Christmas considerations – what are the formulas and where can I find them?
Put your business first, while balancing time off, time on and in the office for your staff. Join us at this short sharp seminar.” instead of half day tool kit.
Managing Employee Leave Seminar
Tuesday 5th December 2017
2.00 pm – 4.20 pm
EMA Business Hub
145 Khyber Pass Rd,
Grafton, Auckland 1023
Individual Bookings
EMA Members: $148.00+GST
Non-Members: $248.00+GST