Time for a chat?
Having that dreaded ‘poor performance’ discussion with a staff member requires calmness, skill and tact. But it’s...
Having that dreaded ‘poor performance’ discussion with a staff member requires calmness, skill and tact. But it’s...
As a shy schoolgirl Shirley Keith once froze completely when about to speak to fellow students. Today she is building a global brand and...
Most Kiwi businesses are missing out on tapping a large and growing audience that’s ripe for the picking. By Lesley...
Businesses need accountants and advisors. Can they be one and the same? We unpack the arguments, reveal the compromises, and acknowledge...
Solutions continue to migrate to ‘the cloud’; providers continue to expand their service offerings; and technologies continue...
COVER STORYCrowd pleaserFEATURESLedgers in the cloudsThinking accountant? Think advisor and...