
NZBusiness October 2014

6 Articles
Home ⟩ 2014 ⟩ NZBusiness October 2014
Time for a chat?
September 17, 2014

Having that dreaded ‘poor performance’ discussion with a staff member requires calmness, skill and tact. But it’s...

Beyond the comfort zone
September 17, 2014

As a shy schoolgirl Shirley Keith once froze completely when about to speak to fellow students. Today she is building a global brand and...

Reaching the higher hanging fruit
September 17, 2014

Most Kiwi businesses are missing out on tapping a large and growing audience that’s ripe for the picking. By Lesley...

Ledgers in the clouds
September 17, 2014

Solutions continue to migrate to ‘the cloud’; providers continue to expand their service offerings; and technologies continue...

NZBusiness October 2014
September 17, 2014

COVER STORYCrowd pleaserFEATURESLedgers in the cloudsThinking accountant? Think advisor and...