Tianna’s no fool
World-first Reverse April Fool’s Day joke sees old car swapped for brand new $50,000 BMW.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if something that sounded too good to be true actually turned out to be real – especially on April 1?
For one New Zealander, daring to dream big on April Fool’s Day paid off handsomely this morning, when Tianna Marsh swapped her 15-year old Nissan Avenir for a brand new BMW 1 Series worth almost $50,000.
“BMW is world-renowned as being the maker of the Ultimate Driving Machine, but also as the creator of many memorable April Fool’s Day pranks,” said the Managing Director of BMW Group New Zealand, Nina Englert.
“Here in New Zealand we created a real stir last year when we released details of the BMW ZZZ Series Cot, a fictitious baby sleeping capsule which simulated the noises and g-forces of a road journey, to help lull a baby to sleep.
“This year’s effort, our most audacious and elaborate yet, is one we’re particularly proud of as we believe this reverse April 1 joke to be a world first, especially giving away a brand new car.”
More than 145,000 copies of the NZ Herald rolled off the press early this morning with what appeared to be a bogus ad printed on the front page, inviting people to bring their car to the Newmarket dealership and swap it for a brand new BMW 1 Series. The first person to do so, having fulfilled terms and conditions, would be rewarded with the new car.
“BMW has been New Zealand’s most popular premium automotive brand for the past three years in a row, and today’s reverse joke is evidence that people are willing to throw caution to the wind in the quest for a new BMW – even on April 1,” said Ms Englert.
“The ad was intentionally vague and definitely appeared too good to be true, but in this case we wanted to turn the tables and reward the first person who was willing to take the chance.”
Tianna’s new BMW features the personalised number plates NOF00L and also comes with a five-year warranty as well as three year scheduled servicing included, plus she will also receive a free BMW Driving Experience course at Hampton Downs.
Meanwhile, her old car is now on display at BMW Head Office in Mt Wellington and will be put on TradeMe later today.
“BMW New Zealand is principal partner of GoBabyGo, a charitable organisation which assists children with mobility difficulties through modifying small electric vehicles, and 100% of the sale price of the old car will be donated to the group,” said Ms Englert.
“This is one further way we can help spread some real benefit to others in need, all thanks to Tianna’s willingness to believe earlier this morning.”