Unravelling payroll complexities
Navigating down the payroll pathway continues to be a challenge for many Kiwi businesses. To help get you up to speed on payroll systems, services and strategies, Glenn Baker spoke with some of New Zealand’s leading payroll providers and experts.
Navigating down the payroll pathway continues to be a challenge for many Kiwi businesses. To help get you up to speed on payroll systems, services and strategies, Glenn Baker spoke with some of New Zealand’s leading payroll providers and experts. More changes Areas of concern Weighing the options |
“Manual systems or Excel-based spreadsheet systems cannot be compliant with current legislation without an inordinate amount of time managing and maintaining systems,” adds Gleeson. “Cloud-based systems enable SMEs to get on with managing their businesses and valuing their time, for relatively insignificant fees. There is no need for SMEs to deal with ‘back office’ issues including interfacing with the IRD, when these are all standard services provided by cloud-based solutions.” Time for an upgrade?