Changing Performance Review Perspectives
Is your company thinking about moving away from traditional types of performance reviews? Do you find the ‘once a year’ approach has become drudgery and isn’t improving employee performance?
Is your company thinking about moving away from traditional types of performance reviews? Do you find the ‘once a year’ approach has become drudgery and isn’t improving employee performance?
Imagine if performance reviews, held on a regular basis, transparently and with equal ownership, could make a real, positive difference…
Come along and hear insights from Martin Fourier from CEB about how to increase the effectiveness of performance reviews.
CEB is a best practice, insight and technology company. They have a unique view on what matters – and what works – when driving employee performance.
Also Hayley Sullivan, HR Manager from IBM, will share IBM’s journey in co-creating a new performance management approach.
Join us at EMA, 145 Khyber Pass Road, that offers complimentary parking on site and a new conference room to enhance your event experience.
Take this chance to learn about how to revamp and make the most of performance reviews.. register today!
Friday, 21 October 2016
8:30am to 10:30am
EMA | Employers & Manufacturers Association
145 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023
Members: $68 + GST
Non-Members: $88 + GST