Simple strategies to improve your profitline
Do you want to make more money from your business? Register for this four hour inspirational workshop which will give you the tools to get more money in your bank. You will learn how to adapt the 80/20 rule to your business, receive tips on successful networking, learn how to prioritise tasks and develop a working business plan, and a host of other ideas to get more customers or clients flocking through the door.
Topics covered:
- Discover and have demonstrated the tools to add dollars to your bottom line
- Discuss ways to adapt those tools to your own business
- Develop the confidence you need to implement them
- Learn how to develop your own business plan
- Develop a step by step strategy for at least one of your goals
Who should attend?
- Business owners and managers
- CEOs of non-profit organisations
- People starting or considering starting their own businesses
When (choose the workshop that best suits you):
- Thames, 13 March 2018
- Tauranga, 20 March 2018
- Thames – $150+GST
- Tauranga – $175+GST ($150+GST for Tauranga Chamber of Commerce members)
Register and find out more at https://www.yoursoundingboard.co.nz/AboutUs/Register.aspx