#CountMeIn for the world’s first Good Spend Counter
New Zealand social enterprise Conscious Consumers has just launched a 6-week campaign to fund the world’s first Good Spend Counter.
New Zealand social enterprise Conscious Consumers has just launched a 6-week campaign to fund the world’s first Good Spend Counter.
The technology will transform every dollar spent by conscious consumers into a vote for a better world.
In New Zealand we throw away nearly half a billion takeaway cups every year, millions of animals are living in tiny cages and more than a hundred thousand workers are on less than $15/hour.
The Good Spend Counter will empower consumers to solve these problems. The online technology will:
1. Encourage ‘conscious’ consumers to set up a profile and register their existing EFTPOS and/or credit card, through a secure platform; and
2. Allow consumers to identify the issues they care about most – such as paying a living wage, caring for animals or using renewable energy; then
3. Count up all the money that is spent by consumers in Conscious Consumer accredited businesses, and communicate the things they care about.
Ben Gleisner, Co-founder and CEO of Conscious Consumers, has been working on this idea for over a year.
“The big challenge we have faced over the last three years running Conscious Consumers is getting businesses to adopt more sustainable practices”, he said. “While many businesses see the benefits there’s many more who need to be convinced they will get more customers if they start buying free-range eggs, paying workers a living wage or using organic milk – The Good Spend Counter will do just this”.
Conscious Consumers is seeking to raise $75,000 via the Pledge Me Crowdfunding Platform, and has already secured $15,000 of matched funding from Fairtrade NZ, BioGro and Enviro-mark Solutions.
Pledgers can choose from an abundance of tasty ethical treats, including fairtrade coffee and chocolate, hampers of organic and local produce and a sensational range of drinks.
Follow the launch on social media: #CountMeIn #GoodSpendCounter
The Campaign Pledge Me Site is at: https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/3601
Or view the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG0MqtUvUjo