Dramatic improvement in business outlook
The business outlook has improved dramatically according to the latest results of the Employers Survey conducted by the EMA.
The business outlook has improved dramatically according to the latest results of the Employers Survey conducted by the EMA.
There has been a significant shift towards a positive outlook compared with the mid-year survey. In the most recent survey, 40% of respondents said they expect overall business conditions to improve in the next six months. In July, 22% of respondents expected an improvement in business conditions.
More employers expect their own business to grow in the next six months too. In the most recent results, 57% of businesses expect growth – compared with 45% in the previous survey.
Chief Executive Officer, Kim Campbell, says this is an incredible turnaround in business confidence.
“Our equities remain steady and this reflects the relatively strong fundamentals underlying our economy,” says Campbell.
“We have been able to ride out some of the turbulence of the past six months, and our tradeable sector is able to respond to any movements in our currency.
“Certain sectors have remained strong, such as construction, and others are booming, such as tourism. Other sectors, such as red meat and horticulture, have also performed well. All of these have performed well, in a climate which was dominated by dairy’s decline in recent months.”
Respondents to the survey were from EMA’s membership, which are companies located from Taupo-north.
The report can be accessed via this link https://www.ema.co.nz/resources/Pages/reports.aspx