Tech update from Wellington and beyond
NZBusiness has the latest goss from some of New Zealand's leading tech firms.
Photo: Mille Jocelyn
Jenene Crossan of nzgirl, bloggers club and has just launched flossie concierge in Wellington. Changing the way salon appointments work and shoving old school operators into the digital age. She went for a round of funding before Christmas last year and got an enviable bunch of well known, high net worthers investing.
Adam Blackwell of STUN is collaborating with Showcase Workshop to create content for companies to help them understand the changes to the H&S Act coming into effect on 1st April. Awesome, he says, because staff and contractors will understand changes and directors won't go to prison!
Millie Jocelyn of Showcase has effectively changed her role from CEO to president and hired San Francisco entrepreneur whizzkid, Jason Brooks to take on the CEO role. Jason will be leading a permanent US-based team, making Showcase the next big thing as far as start-ups go. Job titles at Showcase have changed to reflect their meaning for the business in the US. "Head of xyz" has no meaning anywhere else in the world except New Zealand.