Getting together
Do you have a business function to organise? Don’t take it all upon yourself – there’s no shortage of conference venues and organisers out there ready to help you.
Do you have a business function to organise? Don’t take it all upon yourself – there’s no shortage of conference venues and organisers out there ready to help you. Patricia Moore reports Loads of technology please State-of-the-art technology is an essential for today’s conferences. “Wireless broadband is very important, as is good cellphone connection when peaks of demand are required,” says Barry Quayle. “People need to be in constant touch with their businesses and excellent communications are essential in a venue.” |
Off-site events are not cheap to run and with ROI more important than ever, companies are conscious of their spend, says Hall. “But instead of not conferencing, they’re packing as much as they can into the time away from the business. This means full-on conferencing, while still allowing for some fun and team time.” She points out conference topics can frequently be quite serious, but including activities in the programme enables people to relax and find themselves in a better headspace when they return to conferencing. “They also bring a team together which is usually the goal of any conference.” A conferencing edge As the three time winner of Corporate Events Guide’s Best Nationwide Conference Venue award, the team at Castaways obviously knows a thing or three about providing the perfect meeting venue.