Transforming organisations through Mind Power
“Success is a choice”, says Mind Power expert Robin Banks, who travels the world presenting seminars and workshops for organizations ready to go to the next level.
The world is going through incredible change at the moment and now more than ever before it is essential to ensure that we possess the right mindset and tools for success.
“Success is a choice”, says international speaker and Mind Power expert Robin Banks, who travels the world presenting talks, seminars and workshops for organizations ready to take their company to the next level. “We literally create success with our thoughts. If you think about it everything first starts with a thought and the thoughts we consistently focus on become our realities.”
Robin has been trained and mentored by international best-selling author John Kehoe who wrote the book Mind Power into the 21st Century. The book has been a best seller in over 30 countries, has been translated into 25 languages and is the basis for the acclaimed Mind Power course Robin is teaching in Auckland over four evenings in June.
Robin first attended the course with Kehoe in May 1999 with immediate success.“Attending Mind Power was the best four weeks of my life and the course radically transformed my outlook and actions; as a result I quadrupled my income in one month and haven’t looked back,” says Robin.
He is now a highly sought after international speaker and has spoken in 31 countries from Austria to Zambia alongside many global business leaders including Sir Richard Branson. Recently he addressed the 50 top executives of an international consortium in Lapland where he shared the importance of utilising Mind Power for increased productivity and organisational transformation.
“During times of rapid change there are tremendous opportunities and it is essential to have an inspired and mentally fit workforce who have the ability to turn on a dime and make the most of every situation, especially the seemingly challenging ones.” says Banks. “We can all be athletes of the mind, mentally fit and sharp and able to deal with adversity. Everyone is aware of how important it is to have physical fitness but we tend to forget how crucially important it is to have a mind that is trained, disciplined and focused on what it is we want, rather than what we don’t want”.
During his “Success is a Choice” 90 minute presentation, Banks demonstrates the key differences between having a Victim and a Victor mindset. “Victims focus on Accusation, Blame and Complaint and are controlled by the outer world waiting for circumstances to change rather than embracing the ABC language of the Victor; Attitude, Beliefs and Choices. We can’t always choose what happens to us, but we can always choose how we respond; herein lies the key to our success”
“Knowledge is not power, it is potential power; applied knowledge is power. We all know the mind is incredibly powerful, yet very few of us actually take the time to control and direct our thoughts. Mind Power is not positive thinking, it is a practice and a discipline during which one uses techniques designed to awaken the powers of thought.”
From shelf packers to senior management of Global Fortune’s 500 companies, Robin has a gift for connecting and inspiring personnel at all levels. His presentations are delivered with energy, humour and packed with immediately useable content resulting in numerous requests for his return.
Banks recently spoke to the leadership team of 300 in Houston, Texas and is in the process of “Mobilizing the 50,000”, a project the company designed to get Robin’s message to every member of staff.
Banks will be in New Zealand in May/June providing Mind Power training and corporate talks.
Free Introduction Seminars: 28 & 29 May (evenings)
Mind Power Course: Tuesday 3 June, Monday 9, 16 & 23 June (evenings)
Venue: Auckland Conference Centre, 12-16 Nicholls Lane, Parnell, Auckland
See for more details.