New website to rent the life you want, New Zealand's newest online peer-to-peer sharing platform designed especially for people who want to rent things from each other, is officially live and kicking.
344, New Zealand's newest online peer-to-peer sharing platform designed especially for people who want to rent things from each other, is officially live and kicking with its new look site.
The brainchild of three Kiwi entrepreneurs, Robb Huskinson, Barbara Anderson and Noel Davies, Rentaholic has been in beta mode for the past 10 months, to further refine and hone its unique offering.
“Rentaholic is about collaborative consumption and shared ownership, one of the top ten trends tipped to change the future,” says Rentaholic director Barb Anderson.
“The site aims to extend the lifecycle of items in our neighbourhoods, sharing assets and strengthening community ties. Rentaholic makes sense; it makes money for owners and saves money for renters.”
The inspiration for the business was generated from a casual conversation five years ago, but it was only last year it sprung to life. Determined not to make it an “if only I had…..” business idea, Robb Huskinson, director and former president of New Zealand's Entrepreneurs Organisation, set wheels in motion by pulling together the three directors and began to build this new business based on the principal of the shared economy.
“Time magazine tipped the shared economy to be one of the top 10 trends to change the world. Rentaholic is providing the platform to turn the consumer into the provider and generate income. It’s the Trade Me of renting,” says Huskinson.
“At Rentaholic, we believe that there is more than enough stuff in the world and its time we ease back on consumption and think more about sustainability. Renting and sharing allows people to enjoy life, without living beyond their means. It also allows people to make money from things they are not using.”
The site believes in radical transparency so has developed a detailed feedback system that encourages not only feedback on the renter that they are dealing with but the product they are renting.
"We strongly encourage people to give feedback on site, as this ultimately helps people to make a more informed decision about what they are renting," says Noel Davies, director and awarded businessman.
“The integrity of Rentaholic and the service we offer relies on our owners and renters using the systems we have in place to help build trust amongst users. The feedback process means all users are accountable and helps build a strong community.”
Now the online site is officially launched, the Rentaholic team plan to grow the business and expand into other key markets in the future. Firstly though, the excitement is generated daily by the breadth of goods and services Kiwis’ are loading to be rented. There is everything from caravans to kayaks, baby strollers, babysitters, house boats, helicopters and even designer clothing.
Says Barb Anderson, "Generating money from things that you own through renting isn't a new concept, we are simply helping to evolve the way in which it is done. At Rentaholic we say live the life you want, and then give it back on Monday."