Online shopping a popular pastime
More than a third of New Zealanders spend more money shopping online than they do on a shopping trip to the store according to a new, nationwide survey by Canstar Blue.
More than a third of New Zealanders spend more money shopping online than they do on a shopping trip to the store according to a new, nationwide survey by Canstar Blue.
Aucklanders are leading the online charge, with 52% preferring to empty their wallets online over in-store, says Canstar New Zealand General Manager, Derek Bonnar.
“The rest of the country is following suit. Sixty percent of kiwis are spending more on online shopping than they did 12 months ago. The younger generations are the most likely to reach for the mouse with 67% of Gen Ys and Gen Xs admitting to a larger online spend this year.
“While a trip to the mall has long been considered the domain of women, men are catching up in the shopping stakes, turning to online stores. Sixty five per cent have increased their online spending from last year, compared to 55% of women.
“Despite having access to the world’s largest stores via the Internet, a quarter of kiwis are staying staunch in their support of New Zealand businesses, refusing to purchase from overseas online stores.“
Aucklanders are leading the loyalist march with 36% refusing to shop offshore, compared to 17% of Wellingtonians.
But not all kiwis are quite so patriotic. Despite knowing that buying offshore does nothing to support local businesses, 68% of New Zealanders can’t stop doing it, citing the great bargains and selection as key reasons for offshore spending.
Forty three percent of New Zealanders are shopping online solely from kiwi retailers, while 10% say they shop from only overseas vendors.
Online shopping has now become a key fixture of the New Zealand retail landscape.
The main motivators for heading online are:
• Saving money through better prices (39%),
• Followed by availability of hard to find products (16%)
• And saving time (13%)
A small group (3%) even named boredom as their motivator.
The most purchased items online are:
• Clothing (52%),
• Electronics (40%)
• Media(games and movies) (40%)
• Home wares (34%)
• Health products and cosmetics (33%)
While alcohol comes in last on kiwis’ online shopping lists at 8%.