Converting today’s stranger into tomorrow’s client
Have you ever wondered why some business people have all the luck? Perhaps it’s because they talk to more people, says social media and influence expert and Blue Banana founder […]
Have you ever wondered why some business people have all the luck? Perhaps it’s because they talk to more people, says social media and influence expert and Blue Banana founder Linda Coles. Businesspeople are looking for new and alternative ways to market themselves and their businesses. By going back to good old-fashioned small talk and saying hello to strangers, more business opportunities and connections will arise she says. “Put simply, people like to do business with people they know, like and trust.”
Coles’ book Start with Hello reveals how the most successful businesspeople and leaders share an overlooked and underappreciated talent – the ability to engage and communicate with strangers in productive, creative ways.
You can learn to be more open and engaging with people you don’t know – the book explains simple, key aspects of communication that make it easy to connect with new people, including behavioural styles, body language and eye contact. Plus there are tips for starting conversations and following up on them.
“Whatever business you’re in, your success depends on the relationships you build,” says Coles. “That person sharing a lift with you could become a future business partner, a career-changing connection or a lifelong friend. If you want to boost your prospects, start talking to more people.”
Peppered with real-life stories, Start with Hello has advice on:
• The practicalities of networking and how to start a conversation.
• How to develop a strategy for successfully connecting with new people.
• How to network online using social networking sites.
• How to use the art of chat to connect with people and build relationships.
“So be inspired to say ‘hello’ and see where a little serendipity can take you,” says Coles.
ISBN: 978-07303-04784